With the variety of Marketing Instruments integrated into the Web Site Control Panel, you can begin promoting your completely new site, as soon as it’s been launched. Using the RSS News publishing tool, you can quickly place a regularly updated news area in your website. With the GeoIP re–direction tool, you can quickly direct your website traffic based on their location. On top of that, with the Sitemap Generator, you can generate a detailed sitemap for your site and send it to the major search engines.

A Sitemap Generator

For fast search engine listing

A sitemap is known as a list of the pages on a site that can be accessed by crawlers and customers. You may use a sitemap to inform major search engines which pages within your website you want to be listed. Additionally, a sitemap might help your clients find the way throughout your site. You’d typically employ a third party sitemap software to have a sitemap for your site. However, with Efectiweb, you’ll get a sitemap application by default installed in your Efectiweb Web Site Control Panel.

In the Advanced Resources section, click on Sitemap Generator and after selecting the file extension of your sitemap, click on the Crawl key. The sitemap of your web site will be ready within a few minutes and you will now be able to submit it to the search engines.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Simple and easy location–based redirections

We offer a simple and easy application, which will let you sort the visitors to your web site based on their location. For example, utilizing the GeoIP re–direction application, you can quickly direct all the customers coming from Spain to the Spanish version of your website if you’ve got such. This enables you to focus on your visitors more accurately and offer them with the on–site stay they expect to have.

No particular skills or special knowledge are required to work with the GeoIP redirection tool, and you no longer need to use .htaccess files to do the job.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Present the most recent news on your site

In the Efectiweb Web Site Control Panel, we’ve included an instrument, which lets you add news from the most popular news outlets in the world inside your sites, with just a click of the mouse. Our News Syndication tool works on auto–pilot and will not require any additional configuration work from you,

The RSS News Syndication component is simple to customize in terms of HTML and CSS. You can customize the amount of information items that are going to be showcased, the way they will look like, precisely how they will be arranged, and so on.

RSS News