PostgreSQL is an effective open-source database administration system, which has been growing in global recognition lately because of its stability and dependability. It includes numerous advanced functions and it can be used to keep any kind of info. PostgreSQL can be interfaced with a lot of programming languages, such as PHP, Python, Perl, Java, C++, Ruby, and so forth. In addition, it could be used for scalable applications due to the fact that a single field inside a PostgreSQL database may be up to 1 GB, a table - up to 32 GB, while the database as a whole does not have a limit for its total size. PostgreSQL also operates faster than other SQL administration systems when complicated operations are carried out. Many huge companies and organizations have already migrated to PostgreSQL for their sites or products - Apple, Cisco, the US State Department, the University of California, Berkeley, and many more.

PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Shared Web Hosting

Setting up a brand new PostgreSQL database will take just a couple of clicks inside the Hepsia Control Panel incorporated with all our shared web hosting accounts. With some of the packages, PostgreSQL is an optional upgrade, you could add to your account with ease, while with others, the amount of databases that you can have varies between five and unlimited. When you need more than the default number your package includes, you can include more databases through the Add Services link in your Control Panel. We will also give you the feature-rich phpPgAdmin tool, employed to manage the content of PostgreSQL databases. Any application that uses PostgreSQL will perform exceptional on our servers because the databases have an entire cluster of web servers to manage them as a part of our cloud hosting platform.

PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you get a semi-dedicated server account through our company, you shall be able to create and control PostgreSQL databases effortlessly and as part of the standard set of services, not as a paid upgrade. Any script-driven application that requires such a database will run properly as we use a cloud hosting platform and the databases run on another cluster of web servers, not on the same server where you will have your website files and email messages. Thus, the efficiency of your sites shall improve significantly as only one type of processes will run on the machines. Using our custom Hepsia CP, you shall be able to access any PostgreSQL database which you have in the account with the popular phpPgAdmin admin client. The latter will permit you to export, import or modify any part of the database via a web-based graphic interface.