The term "disk space" may also be labeled as "disk quota" or "data storage", still all these words mean the exact same thing - the volume of information that you are able to upload to a shared web hosting account. The total size of everything you have is estimated by accumulating the space taken by the content in your account, the most obvious being the files you upload. Two more things are frequently ignored by the majority of end users, though - e-mail messages as well as databases. Sizeable attachments and databases of large script-driven internet sites can sometimes use a lot of disk space too. To use a more common analogy, the hard disk space of your home computer is used not just by files you download, but additionally by documents you write plus software programs you add. Similarly, a number of things are counted for the disk space your data takes on a website hosting server, in addition to the uploads.

Disk Space in Shared Web Hosting

In order to match the processing performance behind all of our cloud website hosting packages, we have studied and applied the very best alternative about the disk space - your account is not created using one server, but on a cluster system. As a result, what we have assembled is a whole group of servers which is centered on the file storing only, so you should never concern yourself with not having enough hard drive space and having to move to another server as your present one is unable to accommodate more information. Any time extra space is necessary, we simply add extra machines to the cluster, so the storage space is limitless. Still, all our shared web hosting plans were made to be used for websites, not for a database of large files. We also have separate machines for all the databases as well as the email messages.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

With all of our semi-dedicated server packages, the hdd capacity attribute is not limited, so you can concentrate on creating your websites the way they should be and never worry about reaching some restriction. Unlike countless hosting suppliers that make your accounts on one server, we employ a custom cloud platform, that allows us to offer truly limitless hard disk storage for each and every account. With just a single machine, there's a restricted number of hard disks which you can use, not mentioning that most of the hosting Control Panels are simply not intended to work with a large number of servers concurrently. Our platform, however, uses clusters of servers for the web site files, emails and databases, and our custom Hepsia Control Panel was made to work with it. We can attach as many servers to each of the clusters as required any time, so the disk space is virtually unlimited.

Disk Space in VPS Servers

Our VPS servers include disk space quotas proportional to the computing power that you receive with each and every plan. Getting a greater plan, for example, it is more likely you will host a variety of domains or a large site, that is why your disk storage will increase as you upgrade the package. When you use the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, all the domains will share the space, and if you pick DirectAdmin or cPanel, you can make distinct hosting accounts and allocate a limited amount of the overall VPS storage space for every specific domain name. You can even reallocate hard disk space from one domain to another if required. If you order a given VPS package and you want additional space at some point, you are able to upgrade to a greater plan with no more than a couple of clicks in your billing section. The added system resources will be included in your current plan with no server downtime or content migration.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

The minimal HDD storage available using our dedicated servers is 500 GB. You'll have 2 hard disk drives, 250 gigabytes each, and it is up to you the way you will share out this space. You may have the disks in RAID, therefore all of your data will always be safe as one drive will function as a real-time mirror of the second one, alternatively you'll be able to have them operate on their own, to use the total storing capacity that'll be available. The hdd space of all our dedicated web hosting plans will do for everything - major online stores, file depository portal, individual archive backup, and many more. We will never hold back your web sites with regard to the space they require. Once that they begin increasing, we offer you the option to add additional hard disks to your current server when required. When you acquire the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel, you'll also be able to make an individual account for each hosted domain name and set some disk storage space allowance for it. When you use Hepsia all your domain names will be hosted in a single and they will share the overall server storage space.